V 0.1.3 released

Hello everyone,

our Patrons have just received access to the newest version of "Komadori Inn", labeled V 0.1.3.

This time the update is a bit smaller than we planned. We've come up with some new ideas on how to improve one of the game's core mechanics, so we're sharing what we have now so you don't have to wait any longer for this release. This also means that the next update will not be the public one with the number 0.2.0, but we will have one more alpha version with the number 0.1.4.

In the meantime, here's what's in version 0.1.3:

Version 0.1.3 Changelog


Girls' system

  • Selection Effect Indicators - the interaction options you choose from will display their consequences (e.g. passage of time, losing money, gaining experience points, etc.)
  • Interacting with girls: Conversation Minigame
  • First unlockable Skill Point and the first sex scene


  • Beginning of Day 2
  • Quest 002


  • Added maps: boiler room, backdoor area


  • Additional BGM tracks


  • Quest notifications' improvement (longer display time, bigger header font)
  • Some main menu fixes (game sometimes didn't start when using mouse)

Conversation Minigame

In other news, the polls on our first Secondary Character, The Shopkeeper, have concluded, and a "D cupped redhead" it is! Even though I voted for the smaller size myself, I'm glad many of you took our poll. So we already know that our shopkeeper will have red hair and big breasts (but not too big). Based on your votes, I have already prepared her description and our hard-working artist will soon present us her dialogue portraits.

Also, between other tasks, we are preparing the animations for next sex positions, and I have uploaded a short video showcasing the progress and different aspects of the classic "Missionary". If you're interested in the behind the scenes WIP materials, join our Patreon today!

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